After you go through a medically supervised alcohol detox program, drug replacement therapy, or come home from attending a drug rehab facility, your next step should be to find a therapist. In fact you may think about seeking out group therapy and personal therapy both. Check out these different ways people do ... Read More
Learning Center
FHE Health is dedicated to educating the American public—especially individuals, families, and communities—about mental health and substance abuse topics. In our Learning Center, you'll find articles on alcoholism, substance abuse, behavioral and mental health, and other treatment-related issues. Our articles are written both for the person in need of treatment as well as loved ones seeking more information. We also provide information for those who have gone through treatment and are building a new life in recovery.
What Kind of Therapy is Right For You?
Ways to Make a Clean Break Without Upending Your Life
When you come back from time in a medically supervised alcohol detox program or time at a drug rehab facility you may feel like you need to change everything about your life in order to succeed at sobriety. But upending your entire existence is neither practical nor necessary. If you’re feeling like you need a big ... Read More
Ways To Use Your Cell Phone as a Tool for Sober Living
These days there are countless tools and shortcuts out there that can help you maintain and support a structured, happy, sober life. An especially useful tool are smart phones. They are as ubiquitous these days as rotary phones were, hanging on kitchen walls against yellowing wallpaper forty years ago. Cell phones are ... Read More
The Importance of Getting Enough Sleep in Your Sober Life
We know that it is pretty common for someone who has insomnia to also suffer from anxiety and depression. We also know that sleep deprivation is literally a form of torture used to break down will power and mental stamina. It then clearly follows that in order to continue recovering after your drug detox and alcohol ... Read More
The Way Music Can Shape Healing
If you’re like me you listen to music to guide you through hard moments—to celebrate to, dance out your hurt to or to dance deeply into your passion. Music is like another sense. I think about music like I think about the way my olfactory functions link to memory. It can bring me back to a moment in my life just as ... Read More
How To Tell Your Parents You Need Help
There’s nothing scarier than confessing to your parents that you have a problem with addiction to drugs and alcohol, that you need to find help through a medically supervised alcohol detox program and drug detox facility, and that you desperately need them to support you instead of angry with you. Parents want to see ... Read More
Gambling Addiction & The Sunk Cost Fallacy
While much of the mechanics of substance addiction occur behind the scenes, in the interactions of biology and chemistry within a person’s body, gambling addiction is a behavior that is acted out externally. As a result, there are more quantifiable facts observable than with most addiction disorders. Profiting ... Read More
Why Therapy is Vital to Sober Living
Whether you went through drug replacement therapy, went through an outpatient detox center program, or are getting back from a long term drug rehab facility, therapy is a vital piece of the sober life. Seeking out a therapist at any point in your life can feel difficult. There are a myriad of questions that might ... Read More